Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hello from HOME!

I am sorry that I am only writing this post now! We arrived home late Friday night and were welcomed by so many of our friends and family! It was incredible arriving to such a warm reception! Thank you!!!!! We appreciate your support so very much.

To be honest, I am writing this and aching for sleep! Given that we were travelling, I didn't get much/any sleep on the planes. And then the night we arrived home I was so wired to be home! We got to bed VERY late and Hannah cried for a minute but quickly settled in for the night. I should add that she didn't fuss at all on the entire trip btw! She was a doll to travel with! She never ceases to astound us! In 24 hours of travelling, not a fussy moment! We kept her awake on our flight home from Vancouver, but despite all of our attempts to distract her, she fell asleep upon landing at home! She slept a few minutes and I awoke her just as we were about to meet everyone! She didn't fuss at all in her carseat and she eyed and smiled at her adoring big sisters sitting with her! We got home and I got her changed etc. and fed her a bottle. She was all smiles! What a gift it was to be sitting there with my Mom, Kevin and our 3 girls!!!!!!! I cannot believe how God has blessed our family. Hannah showed her personality from the moment we got home! What a little sweetie! She slept well and I woke her up at 8:30AM Saturday in an attempt to get her onto her new time zone/schedule. She was a giggle bum and did really well again on Saturday. Saturday night (Sunday technically/last night!) she went to bed at a perfect time and fell asleep after I rubbed her chest. Then at 12:15 she was up. Yikes! She cried if I wasn't in sight and wanted to be held snuggled. She was also VERY wide awake. She was coughing and congested and teething too. Poor baby girl. Add the fact that there is a 13 hour time change, new bed, new house, new smells, sights, stimulations etc.... Poor little one was miserable and then I comforted her. Then she was WIDE AWAKE! I attempted to have her settle after the challenge of not laughing at her attempts of major play! She kept standing up in her crib and then clapping for herself as she squeaked with glee! She also took off her socks many times and sniffed her feet (I do this!) she belly laughed about this. She played Patty cake (alone) and she smiled and waved at me for 3 hours! 3 hours!!!!!!! OMG I know for her little system it was as though she had had her nap and now was ready to enjoy the day! YIKES! I felt like I was going to collapse! This morning I woke her up just after 8:30 AM and we stayed on a good schedule. We even went to Walmart before supper! She wasn't sure about the cart at first and then decided it wasn't so bad. Mara suggested they pretend to be cookie monsters on the way home so I offered then each a cookie for the ride home. Hannah nodded off about a minute from home, but thankfully was easy to wake up! Mara-Grace and Victoria adore Hannah Faith and it is obviously mutual! I haven't seen any signs of jealousy from Mara. The only thing I noted was that she cried at nap time yesterday. I happily indulged her with extra cuddles and some alone time with me. She fell asleep and was fine after. She has taken being my helper to a whole new level! She really is so thoughtful and really a genuinely great help to me. She LOVES to help (always did. But a baby sister is REALLY fantastic!). She was very upset however when Kevin told her that she shouldn't go in when I was going to settle Hannah. Poor little Mara.... She was heartbroken. She is so sensitive... But she recovered well!

Last night and tonight Hannah and Mara had their bath together! How incredible it was to see them in the tub TOGETHER playing and loving their time! We are all learning how to incorporate our "Baby Hannah" into our routine. It is a little tricky at bedtime/storytime. Hannah wants to grab the book as she drinks her bottle and Mara now eats her yogurt before we begin so that she can be the OFFICIAL PAGETURNER!

We are settling in quite nicely. Despite being really tired, I couldn't be happier or more thankful and relieved. We had a wonderful journey to our Hannah and a healthy, safe time and trip home. Now we are home and life is full. We are all settling and doing well. I pray that Hannah has a FULL nights sleep tonight. She fell asleep in Kevin's arms before I could come in tonight! I was singing to Mara and out she was -out like a light when I came in to settle her! I will be crossing everything that she sleeps through tonight!!!!!!

I will keep you posted!!!!

Much love from our home to yours.



Wanda said...


So good to hear how nicely you're settling in. I wish you good sleep tonight and here on out.

Hannah sounds like a dream and it's so wonderful how she's fitting right into your family. I'm so thrilled for you.

Your trip and encounter with Hannah should go into the history books as the most beautiful experience ever. You've been blessed beyond measure with an extra sprinkling of pixie dust on top.

Hugs and sleepy wishes to you!

Jednet said...

Welcome home! It's so wonderful to hear you are all back safe and sound. I just have to say that Hannah is truly amazing. I've never seen a child adapt the way she has.

She is incredibly lucky to have two such beautiful souls as sisters. They all suit each other so well. Enjoy your full and busy new life. Sounds like things are settling in fairly quickly. You'll feel about two weeks, just in time for Christmas.

All our love.

The Lesperance

hm said...

Welcome Home Miss Hannah Faith and Family.

You are all so blessed and this Christmas is going to be a dream come true.

Thanking God for getting you there and bringing you all back safe and sound.

Can't wait to meet you
