Saturday, August 22, 2009

We really have not come down to earth yet! I don't expect that we will anytime shortly!

Since our 'referral', we have cleared out Hannah's room ( it has been my scrapbooking central!), painted it and as of yesterday, it is ready! We still need to purchase a dresser for her, and maybe a bookcase, but other than that, it is set up! I will post pictures soon! I am happy with the end result. The walls are a buttery yellow and her bedding has so many bright, cheerful colors that it is a nice contrast. It mentions in Hannah's file that she LOVES colorful, bright toys. I do hope that she enjoys her bedroom.... I couldn't help but go in there last night (ok... more than once!) and picture her in her waiting crib!

I wanted to add an aspect to our Referral Call moment that I didn't get to write earlier. After receiving our call in the car on our way back to the hotel from the beach, I had the most amazing moment with someone. Before leaving for the beach that morning, when we left our room, the sweetest woman was in the hallway and was cleaning the rooms etc... When she saw us heading off, she wished us a wonderful day at the beach. We chatted for a moment and we were off. When arrived back, we were hurrying like madmen to get into our room, turn on the laptop, and send word to our agency who were then going to email us Hannah's file and pictures. We really couldn't get into our room fast enough. To say nothing about how excited we were to phone our family and share our news! Anyway, as we were arriving, I was practically pushing Kev forward to unlock the doors etc. (we had come in a side entrance) and we were almost running down the hall to our room when I saw the nice woman from that morning. I was smiling from ear to ear and running past and she says, "Oh, I hope you had a lovely morning. I must tell you, your little lady is so beautiful". WELL!!!!!!!! This was said as I was passing quickly by, perma-smile and wet bathing suit and all! That was all it took! I turned back around and I quickly went to her and I couldn't contain myself! I told her how we had been waiting and waiting and waiting and hoping for news, and that we received THE CALL! She grabbed me and hugged me in a hug I will never forget. We stood there jumping up and down, BOTH of us crying and smiling and hugging! When we finally stepped away, she says, "Well, that doesn't surprise me my dear.... You are talking to the Fairy Godmother afterall". ?????????????? And then she points to her badge and I am not kidding, her badge said Fairy Godmother! HOW amazing is that???? I really will never forget that moment with a virtual stranger, who couldn't have have been kinder. The next day when I saw Fairy Godmother, I told her that I would never forget her. She told me the same. It really was such a special moment all around.

Ok.... So, we will probably be travelling in November or December. However, I feel the urgency to get everything/everyone prepared! One thing I feel badly about is that I do not have enough wishes for Hannah's 100 wishes book. I have the quilt already. It was made with 100 different fabrics. Each fabric is in my scrapbook. I need to collect wishes only. So, if you would like to say something to our Hannah, if you would consider emailing a wish (if you haven't already- thanks to those who have been so kind as to send an email wish!) it would be so greatly appreciated!

Please send your wish to

Much love from our home to yours.



thinking of you said...

That really is a Cinderella story! Thanks for sharing, it made me cry (happy tears!)
Why so long 'till you get her? Is there still alot of paper work? We're praying to travel in September. If we can't get home before end of September, we can only leave in October (there is apparently a Chinese holiday at the end of September and they will NOT have families in China at that time.)
Keeping our fingers crossed to hear something SOON!

Congratulations again!

Wanda said...

Oh Jennifer - Hannah Faith is just beautiful. What an absolute dolly. I am just so thrilled for you and your beautiful family.

Wow - you have another beautiful daughter. Congratulations!


Bill and Toni said...

What a FUN referral story you have for sweet Hannah Faith!!! Congratulations on your new daughter (and now your confirmed travel dates)!!!!

Our son is at the same orphanage, tho not in foster care, and we plan to travel in mid-to-late Dec... anxiously awaiting TA (RA on 9/30).

Are you planning to visit the orphanage?

Blessings to you over the next few weeks and months,
Toni Benton