Thursday, September 24, 2009


Unknown said...

Hi there,

Hannah's room is just beautiful....nice to hear that you will be travelling with a couple of other always makes it a bit more enjoyable...

Oct 2nd is right around the corner...for your travel meeting...and than shortly after that you will be on your way..


Wanda said...

Oh Jen,

How beautiful. I can just see her in her little crib, so soft and pretty.

And I love the presentation!!!!

4D said...

Just lovely!!

Keep smilin!

Jednet said...

Wow Jen. Her room is so pretty. I can't wait to see pictures of her in it..... 2 more days until your travel meeting. You are all ready to go anyway so once you get the call to go it will be a piece of cake :-)).

(thinking of you guys all the time)