Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Every day we find ourselves getting that much closer to the day we meet our Hannah face to face! I cannot believe it! We learned today that we will be travelling with 3 or 4 other couples and one of which has a child from Hannah's orphanage. Therefore, it is most likely that we will be meeting our little ones together.

I have been in the nesting mode lately. So much sorting, organizing and cleaning to be done. Actually, I think I am almost fully ready. Apart from organizing gear and clothes etc. I have been enjoying some kitchen action. On the weekend we picked our grapes from the vines in the backyard and I made Grape Jelly. This was a first for me. I believe it turned out as it should! Everyone liked it so that is a good sign! Yesterday I made a huge batch of spaghetti sauce which produced 4 large containers for the freezer. I also made 3 Shepherd's Pie and another 3 casseroles. They have all been frozen and will come in so handy in the weeks while we are away and when we come home. I will soon get into making Tomato Butter (pickles) and apple everything (crisp, pies, sauce etc....) and pumpkin loaves. Ok, suddenly I realise my kitchen duties aren't quite finished yet. LOL But I am enjoying this time very much. The main tasks to prepare for Hannah are finished. I should be cleaning out our closet tonight but thought I could take the time to update this blog instead!
Anyway, all this to say, I really feel like I am in the Fall, nesting spirit! I LOVE Fall! Happy First day of Autumn!

I had written letters to the orphanage director, Hannah, and her Foster mother/family. We had also printed some pictures and put them in a small album of our family. Hopefully Hannah will be looking at these, and we won't look so very strange to her!!!! We also included some disposable cameras which we hope will be given back to us when we meet Hannah and we will have some pictures of her in her environment in China. We will develop these once we are home. Anyway, these things made up our care package which Mara-Grace and I mailed off to Little Miss Hannah in China last week. Although we sent it Airmail, it still takes about 11-14 days to arrive.



4D said...

Wonderful news!!

Miss M is getting so big.

Keep smilin!

hm said...

What a wonderful time of the year it is for you. I too love fall...it is my favorite season, always has been. For me it always seems like it is the beginning of the year...I guess this stems from my school days so,so,so long ago.

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying your nesting time while you prepare for your long awaited journey.

Have fun

God Bless


Wanda said...

Hmmm.....doesn't that sound wonderful. Nesting. Your sweet Hannah will soon be landing in the most loving and softest of nests.

Enjoy it all. I can't wait to follow your journey to bring her home!