Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Well, another unexpected phone call came from our Sponsor Karen today! Incredible! We have received our Approval "letter seeking confirmation"! This tells us that we have been approved and officially proposed our Hannah! We are beyond excited!!!!! We received our Pre-approval news on Aug.26th. We were expecting to hear this news anywhere from 4-8 weeks from pre-approval. It is only 3 weeks today!!!!!!!!!!! INCREDIBLE!

We will be going in to our agency tomorrow to drop off a little paperwork (all packed and ready!) and we have our travel meeting booked for Oct.2nd!!!!!! Not sure of any real details yet, but we expect to travel 6-8 weeks from now! So, Oct.30th, November 6 or 13th. Just this morning (before ANY news) I told my mom that I had the feeling we'd travel November 6th.

We couldn't be happier tonight. So incredibly thankful for God's strength, will and love....



4D said...

That is wonderful, wonderful news!!

Keep smilin!

Wanda said...

Oh, I'm so, so happy to hear this. And so quick. That's fabulous.

China is wonderful in Nov. That's the month we got our Dahlia. Oh my soul - you might be going the same time as Doris. Wouldn't that be cool!!

hm said...

Great news...won't be long now until your holding your new bundle of love. I'm so happy for your family. I do agree with Wanda, China is really nice in November...and then your back just in time for planning a beautiful Christmas with all three of your daughters...what a blessing.


Anonymous said...

Oh WOW,WOW, WOW! For some reason, I've been thinking about you all week and kept meaning to drop an e-mail (but it's September and I'm a teacher so I haven't taken the time), but I was just going to ask how you guys were holding up. I NEVER expected that you would be getting paperwork so soon. Fantastic! Congratulations.


Catherine said...

Such wonderful news! Hey, we just may see one another in Beijing!!